3月14日土曜日* / March 14, Saturday Night*
(毎週土曜日 / Every Saturday)
開場 / Doors open: 19:00
開演 / Curtain start: 19:30
終了予定 / Expected end: 23:00
入場 / Admission: 15,000円
入場&写真撮影 / With photo permission inclusive: 20,000円
入場&ビデオ撮影 / With video and photo permission inclusive: 30,000円
予約 / Reservations: steve (at) osadasteve.com, 090 1208 9889
出演: 長田スティーブ & 紫月いろは
場所 / Map: Studio SIX スタジオSIX
Other days by appointment only.
Interested in learning the ropes? For private tuition see here.
*注 / Note:
3pm @SUNSHOP秋葉原店
*3pm at Sunshop in Akihabara: In-store performance and DVD signing event.
Watch Osada Steve for FREE, but at your own risk. (You may end up with post dramatic stress syndrome.)
Find out more about the DVD and stuff here.
Purchase the DVD, watch the show, and get a discount coupon valued at JPY 5,000 to attend any Kinbaku Live @ Studio SIX event during the month of March, 2015.